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  I/ Anaheim : The Convention center

California is generally known for its citrus fruits and its paradisiac temperature, but now, thanks to the philatelic exposure which proceeded from the 7 to July 16 2000, it will be also known for its large interest for Space Philately.

Thus, the world exposure of Anaheim has gather together most of the collectors of space into the interior of its gigantic Covention Center. The countries and agencies laid out in booth proposed to the purchasers of all nationalities, stamps created specially for this occasion.

THE U.S.P.S. (US Post Office) had of course a very significant share in this exposure. The United States have presented their 5 new holographic stamps. The topic was Cosmos. The director of the consulting of the creation of the American stamps, Terry Mac Caffrey, was favorably impressed by the artistic work of Space LOLLINI, and will call on our knowledge to the future U.S.A. space stamps.

Espace Lollini has also created new links with China. Thus, our designer, Alexandre Lollini, soon will draw the stamps of this Big country, open recently to philately. He has been interviewed by Chinese television, the first day of emission of the stamps of Gambia, created and signed by our artist.



 Convention Center.

 Straight Towards the World Expo.

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