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We are fond of space technology and philately, so we have created collections about the conquest of Space.

For 60 years the Lollini family has helped collectors find stamps and covers to build their collections on the subject of Space.

For that we publish a wide range of products:

A Space Revue "trait d'union des astrophilatelistes du monde" a newsletter that brings everyone the latest Space related news and newly issued stamps and covers from around the world.

Five catalogs full of information about space stamps and covers:


Conquête de l'Espace 19th edition : Conquest of Space on worldwide Space stamps listed by country.

C. O. S. M. O. S. 8th edition : for Space FDCs, Covers, Autographs, Flown Letters

Catalog "Thèmes Associés" : Stamps about topics related to space exploraton: Astronomers, Polar Expeditions, Stars & Observatories, Nuclear Research, Space Flight Precursors, Meteorology.

Concorde Catalog for Supersonic related stamps and FDCs, the supersonic catalog!

A huge Album divided into many volumes, it is a Space Encyclopedia, with stamps and covers, classification by topic, updated every 6 months. And we also sell to you:

Stamps, souvenir sheet, proofs

Comemorative covers, autographs, flown letters

Official flight patches as worn by the astronauts on all NASA missions

maximum Cards of ARIANE launchings

illustrated info cards on each space event since 1957.

and FREE, we offer a PERSONALIZED SERVICE to you, to find stamps and covers you need to complete your collections.


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