Ref |
country name |
capital |
currencies |
continent |
flag |
OUD | UDMURTIA (RUSSIA) on to the stamps | Izhevsk | ruble = 100 kopecks | Europe |  |
OUG | UGANDA on to the stamps | Kampala | Ugandan shilling = 100 cents | Africa |  |
UKR | UKRAINE on to the stamps | Kiev | hryvnia = 100 kopiyat | Europe |  |
UMQ | UMM AL QIWAIN on to the stamps | Umm Al Qiwain | rupee = 100 naye paise, riyal = 100 dirham (from 1967) | Asia |  |
EAU | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE) on to the stamps | Abu Dhabi | dirham = 100 fils | Asia |  |
ONU | UNITED NATIONS on to the stamps | New York, Geneva, Vienna | US dollar = 100 cents (New York), Swiss franc = 100 centimes (Geneva), schilling = 100 groschen (Vienna), euro = 100 cents (Vienna from 2002) | America |  |
HAU | UPPER VOLTA on to the stamps | Ougadougou | CFA franc = 100 centimes | Africa |  |
OUR | URAL (RUSSIA) on to the stamps | Yekaterinburg | ruble = 100 kopecks | Asia |  |
URU | URUGUAY on to the stamps | Montevideo | Uruguayan peso = 100 centésimos | America |  |
USA | USA on to the stamps | Washington, D.C. | US dollar = 100 cents | America |  |
URS | USSR (SOVIET UNION) on to the stamps | Moscow | ruble = 100 kopecks | Asia |  |
UZB | UZBEKISTAN on to the stamps | Tashkent | Uzbekistani som = 100 tiyin | Asia |  |