Ref |
country name |
capital |
currencies |
continent |
flag |
PAB | PABAY (SCOTLAND) on to the stamps | | pound sterling = 100 pence | Europe | |
PAK | PAKISTAN on to the stamps | Islamabad | Pakistani rupee = 100 paisa | Asia | |
PAL | PALAU on to the stamps | Melekeok | US dollar = 100 cents | Oceania | |
PAN | PANAMA on to the stamps | Panama City | balboa = 100 centesimos | America | |
PNG | PAPUA NEW GUINEA on to the stamps | Port Moresby | kina = 100 toeas | Oceania | |
PAR | PARAGUAY on to the stamps | Asuncion | guarani = 100 centimos | America | |
PRN | PENRHYN (COOK ISLANDS) on to the stamps | Omoka | Cook Islands dollar = 100 cents | Oceania | |
PER | PERU on to the stamps | Lima | sol = 100 centavos (until 1985), inti = 100 centimos (1985-1991), nouveau sol = 100 centimos (from 1991) | America | |
PHI | PHILIPPINES on to the stamps | Manilla | Philippine piso = 100 sentimos | Asia | |
PIT | PITCAIRN ISLANDS on to the stamps | Adamstown | New Zeaaland dollar = 100 cents | Oceania | |
POL | POLAND on to the stamps | Warsaw | zloty = 100 groszy | Europe | |
POR | PORTUGAL on to the stamps | Lisbon | escudo = 100 centavos, euro = 100 cents (from 1999) | Europe | |
CPO | PORTUGESE COLONIES on to the stamps | | escudo = 100 centavos | Africa | |
GPG | PORTUGUESE GUINEA on to the stamps | Bissau | escudo = 100 centavos | Africa | |