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Millenium 2000,Odissée de l'Espace:




MARINER 9 30 May 1971. Launch at Kennedy Space Center.

MARS 3 28 May 1971. Mars Orbiter/Lander - Probe of 4650 Kg firing of Baikonour, french experiment with STEREO.

MARINER 4 27 Nov. 1964 (Start) Attempted Mars Flyby.

PLANET B 3 Jul 1998 Japanese Mars probe for Mars Orbiter - (Nozomi) - 450 Kg .

MARS EXPRESS LANDER FUTURE Carried on the Mars Express Nasa-Esa Mission, Lander BEAGLE 2 built in England.

MARS ESPRESS 2003 - FUTURE Cooperation Esa-Nasa, returning on Earth samples of the Mars ground using on board BEAGLE recoverable ground drones.

On the frame of sheetlet 2 :

VIKING 1/2 20 Aug 1975 and 9 Sep 1975

Mars Orbiter and Lander on Mars surface.

Mars Orbiter and Lander.


MARS CLIMATE ORBITER 11 Dec 1998. Mars Orbiter for year 1999 - Study of Mars atmosphere, sounding penetrator - crashed to Mars 3 Sept. 1999 ; error of measure on impulse rocket engine.

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