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Millenium 2000,Odissée de l'Espace:



On the 21 Oct. 1998, 1980 envelopes travelled in space inside the cabin ARD, recuperated from the Pacific. They received a return postmark in Papeete on the 5 November. Several examples are aviables together with their magnificient illustrated insert.

Subject of the sheetlet

CThis shetlet of 4 stamps takes again the stamp ARD from PhilexFrance, with a frame showing the totality of the ARD mission - the lauching of Ariane 5 on the left, the Ard cabin in orbit - the return to Earth under 3 parachutes, into the Pacific.

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purchase this item Stamp | 10087 MAD 3 G  23,-  
purchase this item Stamp | 10087 MAD 2 B  6,-  

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