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Millenium 2000,Odissée de l'Espace:



For this Sheetlet, we chose an unusual framework, the exploration of the stars "X" which is a still unknown subject of the postal administrations, it is true that the Chandra telescope, and especially, the giant satellite XMM "NEWTON" of the ESA put this astronomical discipline under the projectors of actuality.


UHURU XIV: 12 Dec. 1970, Japan - experimental satellite for XRay.

ROSAT 16: 31 Mai 1990. German satellite - XRay Observatory, over 120.000 XRay sources detected. Start by US Delta rocket from KSC, ROSAT is the abbreviation of Roentgen Satellite.

IUE: 26 Jan. 1978. ESA Satellite for XRay Astronomy - IUE is name of International Ultra-violet Explorer - Cooperation ESA-NASA-England.

ASTRO E: 11 Fev. 2000. FUTURE Nippon project for XXI¡ century, advanced XRay observatory.

EXOSAT: 26 Mai 1983. ESA X-Ray Satellite - Put in orbit by American rocket DELTA from Vandenberg Air Force Base (CA).

CHANDRA: 23 Juillet 1999.(AXA F) Nasa Space Telescope as Hubble, but for XRay, named in memory to Indian scientist CHANDRA.

X.M.M: 10 Dec. 1999. 1st X ESA.

On the frame of sheetlet 2 :

XMM Launch Dec. 10 1999 First XRay telescope of ESA, launched by ARIANE 5 V119, first commercial launch of the new European rocket, weight XMM 3.900 Kg. XMM is the complementary of Chandra Nasa Satellite.background : XRay picture of black hole in the Crabe Nebulae


XMM IN SPACE Dec. 10 1999. XMM in orbit configuration at 114.000Km of the Earth, in the background, picture of black hole in the Crab Nebulae.

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