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Millenium 2000,Odissée de l'Espace:



For this Sheetlet, we thought of the first attempts, the first machines which opened a new way to the Space, with Progress each probe is a Man victory in the large Universe which it surrounds


MARINER 10: 3 Nov. 1973. Launch of Mariner 10, 1st flyby over Mercury 3rd Nov. 1973 and 2nd flyby 29th March 1974.

GIOTTO: 2 Juillet 1985 1st science probe of the ESA 1st chase and pass though the tail of a comet (Halley) the 9 February 1986.

SOHO: 2 Déc. 1995. - 1st Esa-Nasa Satellite to study the Sun on a synchronous orbit.

EXOSAT: 26 Mai 1983. - 1st European Space X-ray Telescope launched from Vandenberg, California.

MARINER 2: 27 Aout 1962. - 1st successful probe to Venus, passes close 34.000 Km of Venus surface and transmit 42 minutes of observations to Earth.

PIONEER VENUS : (Launch) Mother-orbital-probe carrying daughter-probes to penetrate deep atmosphere of VENUS. 4 december : the mother-probe reach Venus orbit, 9 December the daughter-probes explore Venus atmosphere.

st space laboratory, the forerunner of Mir and international space station. Skylab 1 : launch 14 May 1973 the 8th Feb. 1974, astronauts Pogue, Gibson and Carr photograph comet KOHOUTEK using the space telescope on board.


Hubble Space Telescope Launched 24 April 1990 by Space Shuttle for its 10th flight repaired 11th Feb. 1997 1st orbital telescope more powerful than ground based ones.

On the frame of the souvenir sheet 2 : Astronomy of the first pioneer astronomers, first telescopes and optics of the future in space.

For this Sheetlet, we thought of the first attempts, the first machines which opened a new way to the Space, with Progress each probe is a Man victory in the large Universe which it surrounds


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