6 STAMPS : URSS : Soyouz 11 FLIGHT PATSAYEV VICTOR 29 June 1971 First Flight - Died during the return flight.. VOLKOV VLADISLAV 29 Juin 1971 Second Flight Also Soyouz 7 DOBROVOLSKI GUEORGUI 29 June 1971 - Died on his First Flight. PORTRAITS OF US ASTRONAUTS WHO DIED IN APOLLO 1 SHIP GRISSOM VIRGIL 27 Jan. 1967 - Flight on Mercury Liberty Bell Gemini 3 - Died at Kennedy Space Center. CHAFFEE ROGER 27 Jan. 1967 - New Nasa's Astronaute. First Flight WHITE EDWARD 27 Jan. 1967 First Flight on Gemini 4 (walk in Space) - EVA. SUBJECT OF SHETTLET N° 3 KOMAROV VLADIMIR - 23 April 1967 First Soviet test flight of Soyouz 1 First Flight with Voskhod 1 mission Death of Cosmonaut during the return to earth. NOTE - The subjects presented are the original drawings. Slight differences concerning the text and its positioning could be result of by the security printing works.