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The Covers : ESPACE Lollini

Space philately includes also all the commemorative covers, FDC and board letters of the world’s different cosmodromes and launch pads.

We help the collectors to find their missing covers about the Espace events and subjects in order to make their collection, more complete.

For that we publish:

- A Space Revue so that each one knows the space topicality, covers and the stamps emitted by the various states of the world on the subject. It is the " Trait d’union des Astrophilatelistes du monde ".

- Catalog C.O.S.M.O.S. 8th edition: the catalog of the commemorative covers, Autographs, travelled covers, portraits of the 400 men in space...

- Album KOUROU : to place your FDC, to illustrate texts, photographs and documents ESA.

- the covers comemoratives, autographs, travelled covers, boardletters...

- and FREE,we offer a PERSONALIZED SERVICE, effective to you to seek your missing covers and space collectibles.

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