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Collecting Covers is the most "Philatelical" way of collecting SPACE TOPICS : Space topics come from events, so the best is to collect clues of these events. This is complex but very fascinating. It is a chronological, very close to the history of the Conquest of Space.

TOP | COSMOS 8th Edit | COSMOS v8.2 | Bundle 8th+v8.2 | Details | Sample page

C.O.S.M.O.S. 8th edition

Catalogue des Oblitérations Spéciales et des Marques Officielles Spatiales

All the astronauts, all their autographs, all the covers worldwide, 12 months of work, in full color. Extremely high resolution of pictures.

Printing this book meant exploring new techniques :

The Crystal Raster random dotting system was tested for the first time with great success. The result? INCREDIBLE! Please take your best magnifying glass, and see that even the smallest detail on each cover is shown perfectly.

The reduced pictures of the overs are 2 inches wide but the very small text on covers is readable with the magnifying glass. This is a world premiere, and from now on we will keep this method for all our products.

In the next pages you will see each major cosmodrome and its typical philatelic documents.


Prices are in 4 currencies : French FRANC, US$, DM, Lire.

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  cover of the COSMOS 8th edit

TOP | COSMOS 8th Edit | COSMOS v8.2 | Bundle 8th+v8.2 | Details | Sample page

C.O.S.M.O.S. Upgrade v8.2

An upgrade for the commemoratives covers

Finally available after 12 months of composition and printing. Indispensable to order your new covers.

New event’s presentation :satellite photo, detailed name, launch date, color code for the type of event is commemorated. Sky blue for meteorology, red for failures, brown for deep space, gree for telecommunication. etc. . . see complete color table at the end of this 8 pages ad.


An indispensable book for all astrophilatelists : it is 8 years you are waiting for it !
We re-build from the ground the lists : 400 portraits : astronauts cosmonauts spationauts

400 Signatures autographs, SEE DETAILS

12 Months of work to help you collecting 5000 pictures

50 years of space exploration

You can ask us for its detailed brochure, or order it .

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  cover of the COSMOS 8th edit

TOP | COSMOS 8th Edit | COSMOS v8.2 | Bundle 8th+v8.2 | Details | Sample page

a sample page

In the COSMOS 8.2 prices are in EURO, US$ and YEN

TOP | COSMOS 8th Edit | COSMOS v8.2 | Bundle 8th+v8.2 | Details | Sample page

A sample page of the C.O.S.M.O.S. catalog v8.2

a sample page

TOP | COSMOS 8th Edit | COSMOS v8.2 | Bundle 8th+v8.2 | Details | Sample page

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TOP | COSMOS 8th Edit | COSMOS v8.2 | Bundle 8th+v8.2 | Details | Sample page

C.O.S.M.O.S. Bundle 8 + 8.2

The catalogue COSMOS 8 is out of stock.

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Bundle COSMOS 8 + 8.2 
  cover of the COSMOS 8th edit

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