Here are details about a : Space commemorative cover or Space Cover.
Cosmodrom : USA
Date of Cancellation: Dec. 21, 2022
Printed: 200 units Kind of Event : Exposition - Commemoration Launch pad : USA Houston (TX)
habité?/manned?: homme Mission type : Casualty
ou?/where?: au sol - ground
autographe?: non - noneDescription : December 21, 2022, Historic visit of President ZELENSKYY to Washington and delivery to the United States Senate of the Ukrainian flag signed by the soldiers of this nation.
We are aware that this document seems irrelevant for the conquest of space, We include it because we are for peace, indeed it is thanks to the cooperation between Russia and Ukraine that all the major space projects of the USSR have been able to to see the light of day, the division of these two countries results only in stupidity death and destruction, whereas united these two nations were almost part of the conquest of the Moon.
In addition, the threat of nuclear war is one of the main threats against our civilization, like climate change or the fall of an asteroid. Mistake in the Ukrainian line. Instead of "Візит Зеленського Вашингтону" should be "Візит Зеленського до Вашингтону". Keyword(s) : #Celebrity, #Flags, #Planet, SPACE REVUE : 04 - 2023 Last modified: 04/25/2023 @ 10h39
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