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Here are details about a :
Space commemorative cover
or Space Cover.

the flag of USA
Cosmodrom : USA

Date of Cancellation: Feb. 28, 2020
Printed: 90 units
Kind of Event : Launch
Launch pad : USA Brownsville Boca Chica SpacePort (TX)
habité?/manned?: homme
Mission type : Mars

ou?/where?: au sol - ground
autographe?: non - none

Description : SPACEX Starship SN-1 Prototype Test

28 February 2020 – Boca Chica Beach, TX: SpaceX while filling one of SN1’s fuel tanks with liquid nitrogen (to test its ability to contain the pressure) the tank suddenly burst, the gas escaped, and SN1 literally imploded under the (lack of) pressure -- crumpling and hurling it straight up into the sky before it came crashing back down.

Keyword(s) :
#Deep space,
#LOLLINI (design),
#Mars and probes,

This will be featured in a future Space Revue.

Last modified: 01/06/2025 @ 11h18

stock 5 informationpurchase this item USA 3327  20,-  
stock 5 informationpurchase this item USA 3338   20,-  
stock 5 informationpurchase this item USA 3345 L  24,-  
stock 5 informationpurchase this item USA 3353 E  12,-  

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enveloppe USA 3327 - cover USA 3327
USA 3327 - picture enhanced ?

Page : future · Ref: USA 3327 

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