Here are details about a : Space commemorative cover or Space Cover.
Cosmodrom : USA
Date of Cancellation: Aug. 8, 2019
Printed: 300 units Kind of Event : Launch Launch pad : USA KSC (FL)
habité?/manned?: robot Mission type : Telecommunications
ou?/where?: au sol - ground
autographe?: non - noneDescription : Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) is a series of communications satellites operated by the United States Air Force Space Command. They will be used to relay secure communications for the Armed Forces of the United States, the British Armed Forces, the Canadian Forces and the Royal Netherlands Armed Forces.[3] The system will consist of six satellites in geostationary orbits, three of which have been launched. AEHF is backward compatible with, and will replace, the older Milstar system and will operate at 44 GHz Uplink (EHF band) and 20 GHz Downlink (SHF band). AEHF systems is a joint service communications system that will provide survivable, global, secure, protected, and jam-resistant communications for high-priority military ground, sea and air assets. It is the follow-on to the Milstar system. AEHF systems’ uplinks and crosslinks will operate in the extremely high frequency (EHF) range and downlinks in the super high frequency (SHF) range.
Keyword(s) : #Satellite, #Telecommunications, SPACE REVUE : 12 - 2019 Last modified: 12/04/2019 @ 16h53
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