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Here are details about a :
Space commemorative cover
or Space Cover.

the flag of USA
Cosmodrom : USA

Date of Cancellation: July 12, 2018
Printed: 300 units
Kind of Event : Construction site de lancement
Launch pad : USA KSC (FL)
habité?/manned?: homme
Mission type : Base Lanceur Fusée

ou?/where?: au sol - ground
autographe?: non - none

Description : Launch Complex 17
Space Launch Complex 17 Systems

* Thor
* Thor Able
* Thor Able Star
* Thor Delta
* Delta A, B, C, D, E, G, L, M, N
* Delta 2000 and 3000
* Delta II - Learn more about the Delta II at the United Launch Alliance web site...
* Delta III

Other Programs

* ASSET (Aero thermodynamic/Elastic Structural Systems Environmental Test
* Echo
* Relay
* Explorer
* OSO (Orbiting Solar Observatories)
* Pioneer
* Tiros
* GOES (Geo-stationary Operational Environmental Satellite)
* GPS (Global Positioning System)
* Mars Exploration Rovers - Spirit and Opportunity

Cost: $3,503,000 each pad

Launch Complex Highlights

* April 1956 - Construction underway
* September 1956 - Air Force accepted Pad 17B
* 29 November 1956 - Construction completed
* 25 January 1957 to 17 December 1959 - Total of 26 Thor launched from Pad 17B
* April 1957 - Air Force accepted Pad 17A
* 30 August 1957 to 28 January 1957 - Total of 5 Thor were launched from Pad 17A
* 23 April 1958 to 1 April 1960 - Total of seven were launched from Pad 17A. Payloads were Explorer, Transit, Pioneer and Tiros
* 17 August 1958 to 8 November 1958 - Thor Able I series launched from Pad 17A. Three were launched with Pioneer payloads
* 23 January 1959 to 11 June 1959 - Total of 6 Thor Able II launched from Pad 17A
* 14 April 1960 to 10 May 1962 - Total of 10 Thor Able Star launched from Pad 17B
* 10 July 1962 - First Delta launched from Pad 17B
* 10 July 1962 to 7 September 1967 - Total of 27 Delta B, C, E and G launches from Pad 17B
* 31 October 1962 - One Thor Able Star launched from Pad 17A
* Early 1960’s - Modified Pad 17A to support Thor Delta
* 13 May 1960 - First Delta launched Pad 17A
* 13 May 1960 to 27 August 1969 - Total of 44 Delta A, B, C, D, E, G, L, M and N launches from Pad 17A
* 18 September 1963 to 23 February 1965 - Total of 6 DSV-2G ASSET (Aerothermodynamics Elastic Structural Systems Environmental Test) launched
* April 1965 - Air Force transferred launch complex to NASA
* October 1968 - Complex returned to Air Force to support Delta II launches
* 22 September 1972 to 12 June 1990 - Total of 41 Delta 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 launched
* 26 August 1975 to 26 February 1987 - Total of 34 Delta 2000 and 3000 from Pad 17A
* 14 February 1989 - First Delta II launched from Pad 17A
* Launch complex modifications to support Delta II included raising the Mobile Service Tower from 112’ to 126’, structural repairs and systems replacement
* 14 February 1990 - First Delta II launch was from Pad 17B
* 12 January 1997 - Blockhouse closed after Delta II failure from Pad 17A. Launch operations moved to Delta Launch Operations Control Facility.
* 1997 - Pad 17B modified for Delta III
* 26 August 1998 to 23 August 2000 - Total of 3 Delta III launched
* 10 September 2011 - Final mission from Launch Complex 17, GRAIL lunar mission
* December 2013 - Blockhouse demolished

Keyword(s) : none

SPACE REVUE : 01 - 2019

Last modified: 01/03/2019 @ 20h14

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