Here are details about a : Space commemorative cover or Space Cover.
Cosmodrom : USA
Date of Cancellation: Mar. 2, 1995 Kind of Event : Launch Launch pad : USA KSC (FL)
habité?/manned?: homme Mission type : Universe Observation
ou?/where?: au sol - ground
autographe?: non - noneDescription : Astro-2 was the second dedicated Spacelab mission to conduct astronomical observations in the ultraviolet spectral regions. It consists of three unique instruments – the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UIT) and the Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment (WUPPE).
This data supplemented data collected on the Astro-1 mission flown on STS-35 in December 1990 aboard Columbia.
KSC post stamp. Keyword(s) : #Astronaut, #Jupiter and probes, #Planet, #Space Shuttle, #Telescope, SPACE REVUE : 02 - 2015 Last modified: 11/24/2020 @ 17h20
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Page : future · Ref: USA 2388 Space Event :STS 67 (ENDEAVOUR) · ASTRO-2 MISSION