Here are details about a : Space commemorative cover or Space Cover.
Cosmodrom : USA
Date of Cancellation: Aug. 23, 1961 Kind of Event : Launch Launch pad : USA KSC (FL)
habité?/manned?: robot Mission type : Experimental & Science
ou?/where?: au sol - ground
autographe?: non - noneDescription : Ranger 1 was a spacecraft whose primary mission was to test the performance of those functions and parts necessary for carrying out subsequent lunar and planetary missions using essentially the same spacecraft design. A secondary objective was to study the nature of particles and fields in interplanetary space.
Ranger 1 was launched into the Earth parking orbit as planned, but the Agena B failed to restart to put it into the higher trajectory, so when Ranger 1 separated from the Agena stage it went into a low Earth orbit and began tumbling. The satellite re-entered Earth’s atmosphere on 30 August 1961. Ranger 1 was partially successful, much of the primary objective of flight testing the equipment was accomplished but little scientific data was returned. Keyword(s) : #Probe, SPACE REVUE : 02 - 2015 Last modified: 06/11/2015 @ 12h22
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Page : future · Ref: USA 66 Space Event :RANGER 1 (PROBE) · ATLAS LV3 · PARTIAL FAILURE