CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICIssued: Aug. 6, 1984.- 6 Values ND IMPERFORATE Kind: Souvenir Sheet ( 1 value illustrated )
Printing method: offset Description : Spacelab. Values informations :
7831 CAR 13 B 20fr Mariner Mark II- Saturne
7831 CAR 14 B 70fr Galiléo orbiter et ballons
7831 CAR 15 B 150fr X-Ray et Spacelab ESA
7831 CAR 16 B 205fr Magellan et Vénus
7831 CAR 17 B 300fr Viking chenille et Orbiter
7831 CAR 18 B 500fr fauteuil spatial 1° vol
Yvert : 630/633 + PA307/308 Michel : Block 284/289 B Scott : 657/662 This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Ariane, #Astronaut, #Balloon & Zeppelin, #Celebrity, #Comet, #ESA, #Einstein, #European Spaceman, #Halley, #Planet, #Rocket, #Satellite, #Space Shuttle, #Venus and probes, #x-rays. Last modified: 05/26/2014 @ 09h29
Space chapter : STS 09 - SPACELAB - COLOMBIA 7831 CAR 13/18 BA Album Page : 1228 | 1230 .
astronome theme Album Page : future
atome theme Album Page : 67 .
precurseur theme Album Page : future
meteo theme Album Page : future