NIGER REPUBLICIssued: Oct. 9, 2023.-
Printed: 600 units 5 Values perforate Kind: First day cover F.D.C.
Printing method: offset Description : India’s success in its lunar mission Chandrayaan 3 - landing of a lander and a Lunar vehicle for autonomous explorations.
Sheetlet of 4 stamps and 1 souvenir sheet. Values informations :
10718 NIG 1/4 C sheetlet of 4:
10710 NIG 1 1000fr Fusée porteuse et Mini Rover
10710 NIG 2 1000fr Atterisseur VIKRAM et drapeau
10710 NIG 3 1000fr VIKRAM et drapeau prés Lune
10710 NIG 4 1000fr Mini Rover et véhicule complet
souvenir sheet:
10718 NIG 5 B 3600fr Séparation fusée porteuse
et Sonde Lunaire
This will be featured in a future Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Earth, #Flags, #Moon and probes, #Probe, #Rocket, #Rover. Last modified: 12/18/2024 @ 07h46
Space chapter : CHANDRAYAAN 3 - INDIA 10718 NIG 1/5 F Album Page : future