![the flag of the country GUINEA-BISSAU](/fichiers_drapeaux/GUB.GIF) GUINEA-BISSAUIssued: Dec. 22, 2023.-
Printed: 600 units 6 Values perforate Kind: First day cover F.D.C.
Printing method: offset Description : Surface ships and submarines with atomic propulsion. Sheetlet of 4 stamps and 2 souvenir sheets. Values informations :
atome GUB 101/104 C sheetlet of 4:
atome GUB 101 1000fr ROKS Yun Bonggil (Korea)
atome GUB 102 1000fr BPA Union (Peru)
atome GUB 103 1000fr Stephan Jantzen (Germany)
atome GUB 104 1000fr USS Green Bay (USA)
souvenir sheets:
atome GUB 105 B 3000fr ROKS Yun Bonggil (SS 077) (Korea)
border: Collins-class submarine (Australia)
atome GUB 106 B 3000fr Stephan Jantzen (Germany)
border: Polaris (Finland)
This will be featured in a future Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Atomic ship, #Boat, #Flags, #Submarine. Last modified: 01/06/2025 @ 17h28
pole theme Album Page : future
atome theme Album Page : future