NIGER REPUBLICIssued: Oct. 9, 2023.-
Printed: 600 units 5 Values perforate Kind: First day cover F.D.C.
Printing method: offset Description : 90th anniversary of Air France. Sheetlet of 4 stamps and souvenir sheet. Values informations :
concorde NIG 97/100 C sheetlet of 4:
concorde NIG 97 1000fr Airbus A320
concorde NIG 98 1000fr Airbus A319
concorde NIG 99 1000fr Concorde
concorde NIG 100 1000fr Airbus A350-900
souvenir sheet:
concorde NIG 101 B 3600fr Boeing 777 300ER
sur Tour Eiffel
Background: Concorde
SPACE REVUE : 09 - 2024 Keyword(s) : #Aviation, #Flags. Last modified: 11/01/2024 @ 13h30
concorde theme Album Page : future