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the flag of the country AUSTRIA


Issued: Oct. 9, 2021.-
Printed: 50 units
1 Value perforate
Kind: First day cover F.D.C.
Printing method: offset

Description : The first cinematographic space mission, the Russian Soyuz MS-18 and MS-19 carries an actress and operators to prepare a film Vyzov (Challenge). First Day Cover with 6 autographs :
from left to right :
1- Oleg Artemiev Soyuz MS-19 backup commander
2- Anton Shkaplerov cosmonaut Soyuz MS-19
3- Yulia Peresild Actress and cosmonaut Soyuz MS-19
4- Pyotr Dubrov actor
5- Oleg Novitskiy actor and cosmonaut Soyuz MS-18
6- Klim Shipenko director and cosmonaut Soyuz MS-19

Values informations :
10659 AUS 4 F    0.85€ STATION ISS

Stamp Designer : PHOTO Mission

SPACE REVUE : 11 - 2022

Keyword(s) : #Celebrity, #Cinema, #Cosmonaut, #Earth, #Space station.

Last modified: 01/29/2025 @ 16h52

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only 1 availablepurchase this item 10659 AUS 4 F 59,-  
stock difficultpurchase this item 10659 AUS 1/3 F 24,-  
stock difficultpurchase this item 10659 AUS 1/3  18,-  

illustration of chapter soyouz ms-19 space cinema from our albumSpace chapter :
10659 AUS 4 F
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the stamp 10659 AUS 4 F
10659 AUS 4 F - picture enhanced ?

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