ROMANIAIssued: Nov. 6, 1957.-
Printed: 2000000 units 8 Values perforate Kind: Proof Muestra Color test
Printing method: offset Description : Sputnik 1 and 2 in tête-bêche se-tenant blocks. Values informations :
30 ROU 1 25b Vert
30 ROU 2 3.75L Vert
30 ROU 3 25b Bleu
30 ROU 4 3.75L Bleu
Yvert : PA69/72 Michel : 1677/1680 Scott : C49/C52 Stamp Designer : I. Dumitrana and D. Stiubei This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Earth, #International Geophysical Year, #Satellite. Last modified: 05/08/2018 @ 10h55
Space chapter : SPUTNIK 2 - LAIKA 30 ROU 1/4 K Album Page : future