CABINDAIssued: Jan. 1, 2002.-
Printed: 300 units 4 Values Kind: Sheetlet ( x values illustrated )
perforation's type: does not exist perforated
Printing method: offset Width (mm): 150
Height (mm): 100
Description : Aviation and space, polar conquest, Concorde and cinema. Angola sheetlet 10100 ANG 26/29 CA overprinted CABINDA and new values. Cabinda was a territory under Angloa’s administration, while Angola was a province of Portugal, but separated by 60km of coast from Democratic Republic of Congo. It is on the Atlantic coast of Africa, between the two Congos. Capital city, Cabinda or Tchiowa is located south west of the territory, on the right bank of river Bele (Lulondo).
Status: military occupation by Angola since its independence in 1975. However, in minds Cabinda always was independent.
In spite of Angola’s 50,000 soldiers, Cabinda’s resistance lead by FLEC is very active. - Total independence of Cabinda is in progress, by all legal means, and here philately is just another propaganda tool. Values informations :
10100 CBD 1 A 500fr Voyager et Marilyn Monroe
10100 CBD 2 A 500fr Giotto et comète
10100 CBD 3 A 500fr Concorde
10100 CBD 4 A 500fr conquête des poles
SPACE REVUE : 09 - 2007 Keyword(s) : #Ariane, #Art, #Aviation, #Boat, #Celebrity, #Cinema, #Comet, #ESA, #Halley, #Marilyn Monroe, #Probe, #Satellite, #Science fiction, #Spaceship, #Star Trek, #Stones in the sky, #U.F.O.. Last modified: 09/20/2009 @ 16h58
Space chapter : MILLENNIUM - 20th CENTURY 10100 CBD 1/4 CA Album Page : future
pole theme Album Page : 324 .
etoile theme Album Page : future
concorde theme Album Page : 917 .