CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICIssued: Jan. 27, 1987.- 6 Values ND IMPERFORATE Kind: Souvenir Sheet ( 1 value illustrated )
Printing method: offset Description : Astronautics. Halley’s comet and scientists. Little individual souvenir sheets, different for each souvenir sheet. Values informations :
8100 CAR 19 B 25fr sonde Voyager
8100 CAR 20 B 65fr vol vers Mars
8100 CAR 21 B 160fr sonde Cassini
8100 CAR 22 B 300fr Ariane 5 Hermès
8100 CAR 23 B 400fr programme Cluster
8100 CAR 24 B 500fr stations Mir et ESA
Yvert : 762A/D + PA360A/B Michel : Block 408/413 B Scott : 844/849 SPACE REVUE : 01 - 1988 Keyword(s) : #Aerial, #Ariane, #Astronaut, #Celebrity, #Comet, #Deep space, #ESA, #European Spaceman, #Mars and probes, #Probe, #Rocket, #Rover, #Scientist, #Space Shuttle, #Space station. Last modified: 07/28/2008 @ 11h53
Space chapter : ARIANE V 14 - HALLEY - GIOTTO - ESA 8100 CAR 19/24 BA Album Page : 1398 F | 1398 H .
astronome theme Album Page : future
etoile theme Album Page : future
meteo theme Album Page : future