CAMEROUNIssued: May 20, 1977.- 6 Values ND IMPERFORATE Kind: Deluxe final proof
Printing method: offset Description : Air France Concorde and aviation pioneers. Values informations :
concorde CAM 5 50fr Mermoz
concorde CAM 6 60fr Saint Exupéry
concorde CAM 7 80fr Maryse Bastié
concorde CAM 8 100fr Sikorski
concorde CAM 9 300fr Concorde
concorde CAM 10 500fr Lindbergh
Yvert : PA259/264 Michel : 843/848 Scott : C245/C250 This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Aviation, #Celebrity. Last modified: 03/12/2014 @ 14h23
concorde theme Album Page : future