SAINT VINCENT & GRENADINESIssued: Dec. 2, 2002.-
Printed: 200 units 1 Value ND IMPERFORATE Kind: Souvenir Sheet ( 1 value illustrated )
Printing method: offset Width (mm): 150
Height (mm): 109
Description : Tribute to H.G. Wells and "The Time Machine." Original poster of the film, portrait of astronomer Carl Sagan, program creator of Voyager and Pioneer. Values informations :
10100 SVG 56 B 5$ souvenir sheet
Michel : Block 606 Scott : 3076 SPACE REVUE : 02 - 2003 Keyword(s) : #Alien, #Celebrity, #Cinema, #Deep space, #Planet, #Science fiction, #Scientist. Last modified: 12/21/2006 @ 17h50
Space chapter : MILLENNIUM - 20th CENTURY 10100 SVG 56 BA Album Page : 2567 W .
astronome theme Album Page : future
etoile theme Album Page : future