GUINEA (CONAKRY)Issued: Mar. 7, 1989.-
Printed: 1600 units 6 Values perforate Kind: Souvenir Sheet ( 1 value illustrated )
Printing method: offset Description : Giotto, nebulae and work of Sir Halley. Concorde observing Halley’s Comet. 6 individual souvenir sheets with different designs. Values informations :
8100 GUI 17 B 100fr+25fr Giotto, Vega and Helix
8100 GUI 18 B 150fr+25fr CNSR and Orion
8100 GUI 19 B 200fr+25fr Ariane 4 and Eagle
8100 GUI 20 B 250fr+25fr Vesta and Trifide
8100 GUI 21 B 300fr+25fr Concorde and ETA-carinae
8100 GUI 22 B 500fr+25fr ICE and NGC-2264
Yvert : 881/884 + PA235/236 Michel : Block 327/332 A Scott : B38/B43 This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Aviation, #Celebrity, #Comet, #ESA, #Halley, #Probe, #Rocket, #Scientist, #Venus and probes. Last modified: 04/27/2020 @ 18h14
Space chapter : ARIANE V 14 - HALLEY - GIOTTO - ESA 8100 GUI 17/22 B Album Page : 1398 BC | 1398 BE | 1398 BG .
astronome theme Album Page : future
etoile theme Album Page : future
concorde theme Album Page : future