UMM AL QIWAINIssued: Aug. 15, 1972.-
Printed: 700 units 16 Values perforate Kind: Souvenir Sheet ( 1 value illustrated )
Printing method: offset Description : Space history. Gagarin, Tsiolokovsky, Copernican Heliocentric System. Set of 16 little souvenir sheets containing the stamps from sheetlet 119 UMQ 17/32 D. Perforated on white paper. Values informations :
set of 16 souvenir sheets:
119 UMQ 17 B 1r Lancement Marsnik
119 UMQ 18 B 1r Vostok 1
119 UMQ 19 B 1r Youri Gagarine
119 UMQ 20 B 1r Cyrano de Bergerac
119 UMQ 21 B 1r Apollo en orbite
119 UMQ 22 B 1r Lunik 3
119 UMQ 23 B 1r Spoutnik 3
119 UMQ 24 B 1r Machine à Vapeur
119 UMQ 25 B 1r Astronaute Apollo
119 UMQ 26 B 1r Vénusik
119 UMQ 27 B 1r Fusée de Korolev
119 UMQ 28 B 1r Système héliocentrique copernicien
119 UMQ 29 B 1r Antenne Apollo
119 UMQ 30 B 1r Alexi Léonov
119 UMQ 31 B 1r Valentina Tereshkova
119 UMQ 32 B 1r Konstantin Tsiolkowski
This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Celebrity, #Cosmonaut, #Female astronaut, #Rocket. Last modified: 01/24/2022 @ 14h55
Space chapter : SPUTNIK 3 119 UMQ 17/32 B Album Page : 21 D | 21 E .
precurseur theme Album Page : future