UMM AL QIWAINIssued: Aug. 15, 1972.-
Printed: 5000 units 16 Values perforate Kind: Collective Sheetlet
Printing method: offset Description : Space history. Gagarin, Tsiolokovsky, Copernican Heliocentric System. Sheetlet of 16 stamps in large format. Values informations :
sheetlet of 16:
119 UMQ 17 1r Lancement Marsnik
119 UMQ 18 1r Vostok 1
119 UMQ 19 1r Youri Gagarine
119 UMQ 20 1r Cyrano de Bergerac
119 UMQ 21 1r Apollo en orbite
119 UMQ 22 1r Lunik 3
119 UMQ 23 1r Spoutnik 3
119 UMQ 24 1r Machine à Vapeur
119 UMQ 25 1r Astronaute Apollo
119 UMQ 26 1r Vénusik
119 UMQ 27 1r Fusée de Korolev
119 UMQ 28 1r Système héliocentrique copernicien
119 UMQ 29 1r Antenne Apollo
119 UMQ 30 1r Alexi Léonov
119 UMQ 31 1r Valentina Tereshkova
119 UMQ 32 1r Konstantin Tsiolkowski
This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Celebrity, #Cosmonaut, #Female astronaut, #Gagarin, #Rocket. Last modified: 04/18/2011 @ 09h13
Space chapter : SPUTNIK 3 119 UMQ 17/32 D Album Page : 21 C .
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