NIGER REPUBLICIssued: Jan. 21, 1996.-
Printed: 500 units 1 Value ND IMPERFORATE Kind: Souvenir Sheet ( 1 value illustrated )
Printing method: offset Description : Souvenir sheet 9195 NIG 3 B with silver overprint for the 20th anniversary of first commercial flight of the Concorde. Values informations :
8100 NIG 6 B 500fr silver overprint
Yvert : Bloc 70A Michel : Block 84a
Stamp Designer : Puvilland This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Aviation, #Cartography, #Geology, #Mars and probes, #Parachute, #Probe, #Satellite. Last modified: 03/04/2014 @ 12h18
Space chapter : ARIANE V 14 - HALLEY - GIOTTO - ESA 8100 NIG 6 BA Album Page : 1398 CG .
concorde theme Album Page : future