NIGER REPUBLICIssued: Dec. 26, 1985.- 5 Values perforate Kind: Complete Set
Printing method: offset Description : Halley’s comet visited by space probes. Values informations :
8100 NIG 1 110fr Paris 1910
8100 NIG 2 130fr New York
8100 NIG 3 200fr Giotto
8100 NIG 4 300fr Vega
8100 NIG 5 390fr Planet A
Yvert : PA343/347 Michel : 977/981 Scott : C361/C365 This is OUTSIDE of a Space Revue. Keyword(s) : #Art, #Boat, #Comet, #ESA, #Halley, #Monument, #Probe, #Scientist, #Venus and probes. Last modified: 08/07/2009 @ 14h19
Space chapter : ARIANE V 14 - HALLEY - GIOTTO - ESA 8100 NIG 1/5 Album Page : 1363 .
etoile theme Album Page : future