GRENADAIssued: Oct. 15, 1974.- 8 Values perforate Kind: Complete Set
Printing method: offset Description : 100th anniversary of Universal Postal Union. ATS and Concorde. Values informations :
5800 GRA 1 0.50c Concorde
5800 GRA 2 1c hélicoptère
5800 GRA 3 2c Boeing
5800 GRA 4 8c télécom
5800 GRA 5 15c antenne
5800 GRA 6 25c ATS
5800 GRA 7 35c bateau
5800 GRA 8 1$ train
Yvert : 531/538 Michel : 589/596 Scott : 562/569 Item in a Catalogue. Keyword(s) : #Aerial, #Aviation, #Boat, #Satellite, #Telecommunications, #Train. Last modified: 04/07/2007 @ 10h26
Space chapter : CONCORDE & SOLAR ECLIPSE 5800 GRA 1/8 Album Page : 753 .
concorde theme Album Page : 30 .