FRANCEIssued: Feb. 18, 1966.-
Printed: 300 units 3 Values perforate Kind: Deluxe final proof
Printing method: offset Width (mm): 200
Height (mm): 150
Description : Marette A-1/D-1 sheetlet.
Telecom minister of General de Gaulle, passionate of astrophilately, famous for his 3 special sheetlets which bear his name.
This sheetlet was distributed in tribute to the French responsible for space achievement of that time, signed by the minister himself Values informations :
3050 FRA 1 30c Diamant rocket
3050 FRA 2 60c French satellite A-1
3050 FRA 3 60c French satellite D-1
Yvert : 1464/1465+1476 Michel : 1530/1531+1539 Scott : 1137/1138+1148 Stamp Designer : C. Durrens SPACE REVUE : 08 - 2011 Keyword(s) : #Satellite. Last modified: 07/29/2011 @ 16h00
Space chapter : FRENCH SATELLITE - A.1 - FR.1 - D.1 3050 FRA 1/3 E Album Page : future